Wait, don’t click away. We know. We know. There are a lot of important “isms” out there, and many are in the news these days. So, why should you give this particular one your attention?
You might think anti-Semitism isn’t really a problem anymore, post-Holocaust, but hang on a sec. Give a listen, and find out more. You’ll probably hear things you’ve never heard before, plus some powerful insights into how good people can be swayed into unfortunate beliefs.
In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly asks Ezra:
In turn, Ezra asks Carly to share what she has seen of anti-Semitism, and her answer holds a word of caution for all Believers.
Along the way
Along the way, you’ll learn about
Words you might learn in this episode
Chutzpah, “The Jewish Problem,” Replacement Theology, BDS
Scriptures referenced in this episode
Genesis 3:15, Genesis 17:20–21, Genesis 25:23, Genesis 28:14–15, Malachi 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:10, Hebrews 2:14, Revelation 20:14, Romans 9:10–11
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