Latest Episodes

S1 EP42 | Top 5 Jewish Objections to Jesus
It’s no secret: Jewish people – most of them anyway – don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah. But what are the fundamental Jewish objections...

S1 EP41 | How to Share Jesus with a Jewish Friend – Awkward but Important
Yeah, it can be uncomfortable. Intimidating? Maybe. Awkward? Probably. But seriously, it’s super important. Like, eternity-important. So, Ezra and Carly are here to help...

S1 EP39 | Compelled to Dwell – Moving Back to Israel Today
Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe not. It’s called “aliyah,” and Jewish people from all over the world are doing it. What’s up with...

S1 EP38 | Pentecost – Obscure Christian Holiday or Major Jewish Feast?
Pentecost? Is that the thing in Acts chapter 2 with the rushing wind, the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Well, they’re not going...

S1 EP37 | Does the Bible Say the Church Has Replaced Israel?
Here we all are, just trying to love God, study the Bible and understand His Word, right? Then – bam – people come up...

S1 EP36 | Problems with the Church Replacing Israel
Out with the old and in with the new? Some would say so, but in this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss,...