If Adam is the father of all people, does Judaism go all the way back to him? Where did the Jewish people begin? In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra answer the listener question, “Was Adam Jewish?” Spoiler Alert: The answer is “no,” but listen in because there’s a lot of interesting and insightful stuff in this episode about Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau. Plus, you’ll find some great takeaways for your personal relationship with God.
Ezra and Carly discuss:
Along the Way
Along the way, you’ll also learn about:
Plus some great personal takeaways about
Words and Meanings You Might Learn in This Episode
“In Adam,” l’dor v’dor, Torah, Judah, Ibrit, brit, Brit Kodesh, Bet El, Jewish Believer, Yeshua, zehra, Ismael, Yitzhak, Bereshit, Rivka, Yaakov, Israel
Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
Genesis 14:13, Genesis 12:2, Genesis 17:17–20, Genesis 25, Malachi 1:2–3, Romans 9:13, Genesis 32:28, 1 Corinthians 15:22, Romans 5:12–20, Deuteronomy 9:5–6, Hebrews 9:13–14, 10:14, Isaiah 53:6, Romans 3:23, John 1:29, Matthew 15:24, Romans 10:13, Joel 2:32
Previous Episodes Mentioned
S1 E2 | Misconceptions Jews Have About Christians
S1 E14 | Israel: A Little Word Loaded with Meaning
S1 E16 | Israel: It’s A People Too
Other Resources for You
Learn more about Jesus’ appearances in the Old Testament with the “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis” TV show:
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This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International. Learn more about Jewish Voice at www.jewishvoice.org.
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