S3 EP2 | What Covenant Am I Under?

Episode 2 September 27, 2022 00:32:52
S3 EP2 | What Covenant Am I Under?
A Jew and a Gentile Discuss
S3 EP2 | What Covenant Am I Under?

Sep 27 2022 | 00:32:52


Show Notes

In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Ezra and Carly discuss various covenants of the Bible and how they relate to Jewish people and Christians. You’ll learn:

Along the Way

Along the way, you’ll also learn:


Words You Might Learn in This Episode

Zehra, Yeshua ben David


Scriptures Referenced in This Episode

Genesis 3:18–19, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 6:6, Genesis 6:5–14, Genesis 8:21, Genesis 9:18–17, Genesis 9:18–19, Genesis 1:1–3, Exodus 14:13–31, 2 Samuel 7:16, Mark 10:47, Genesis 17:20, Matthew 26:26–29, Jeremiah 31:31–33, Romans 11:17–24, Isaiah 49:6, Acts 13:47, John 3:16, Ephesians 6:11, Zechariah 14:8–9, Matthew 23:29, Matthew 5:18


Previous Episodes Mentioned

S3 E1 – Was Adam Jewish?

S1 E30 – The Difference Between Passover and Easter

S1 E32 – Passover and Easter Foods Explained

S1 E33 – Holy Week from a Jewish Perspective

S1 E36 – Problems with the Church Replacing Israel

S1 E37 – Does the Bible Say the Church Is the New Israel?

S1 E2 – Misconceptions Jews Have About Christians

S1 E23 – Jonathan Bernis’ Story

S1 E 24 – Jonathan Bernis’ Story Continued


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This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

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