S4 EP1 | Is Messianic Judaism a Jewish or Christian Religion?

Episode 1 March 21, 2023 00:23:57
S4 EP1 | Is Messianic Judaism a Jewish or Christian Religion?
A Jew and a Gentile Discuss
S4 EP1 | Is Messianic Judaism a Jewish or Christian Religion?

Mar 21 2023 | 00:23:57


Show Notes

In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra discuss where Messianic Judaism falls in the realm of Judaism and Christianity and show you that it’s a more complicated question than you might think. First, they head over to Wikipedia to see what it says on the matter – not because it’s the most reputable place to start but because a lot of people find answers there. They also get into:

Along the Way

Along the way, you’ll also hear about

Words You Might Learn in This Episode

Christianos, Christos, Mashiach, ecclesia, Yeshua

Scriptures Referenced in This Episode

Acts 11:26, John 10:30, John 8:58, Ephesians 2:14–18, Matthew 11:1–6, John 4:25–26, Galatians 3:26–29, Romans 11:17–24, Ephesians 2:8–9, Deuteronomy 18:15, Isaiah 7:14, Jeremiah 23:5–6, Ezekiel 36:26–27, Zechariah 12:10, Daniel 9:26, Psalm 16:8–10, Genesis 12:3

Don’t miss next week’s episode discussing why you should even care about all this!

Thanks for listening!

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