Why should Christians care that Messianic Judaism exists in the world? In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra analyze three reasons why a Messianic Jewish expression of faith in Jesus is important and why Gentile Believers should appreciate it. They also discuss whether or not this means Christians should go all in and attend a Messianic congregation and about how there are many thousands of people with Jewish heritage that attend Christian churches.
Along the Way
Along the way, you’ll also hear:
Words You Might Learn in This Episode
Ecclesia (or ekklesia)
Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
John 3:16, Matthew 15:24, Jeremiah 35̶ -36, Romans 11:23, Isaiah 43:8–12, Romans 8: 31–39, Romans 8–11, Genesis 15:6/Romans 4:3/Galatians 3:6, Romans 6:4, Zechariah 14:8–9, Romans 11:28, Romans 11:14
Previous Episodes Mentioned
S4 E Is Messianic Judaism a Jewish or Christian Religion?
S1 E3 The Difference Between Messianic Judaism and Christianity
S1 E20 The Difference Between a Messianic Congregation and a Christian Church
S1 E21 Behind the Scenes of a Messianic Congregation
S1 E45 Gentile Christians: Where Do They Fit in Messianic Judaism?
S1 E47 The Difference Between Jewish and Christian Worship
S2 E1 Jewish in America – What the Pew Survey Missed
S2 E2 Why are Christians Acting Like Jews?
S2 E10 Making Messianic Less Messy
S3 E2 What Covenant Am I Under?
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This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.
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