In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra discuss the profound metaphors and analogies of Romans chapter 11 and what this has to do with how Christians relate to Jewish people and respond to the crisis in Israel. They cover:
Along the Way
Along the way, they’ll also discuss:
Words You Might Learn More About in This Episode
Magan David, Ibri, Jewish/Jew, Jewish Scriptures, Haaretz, Am Yisrael, tikkun, chutzpah
Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
Romans chapter 11 (the entire chapter and specifically, Romans 11:17, 20, 25, 20, 33)
Romans chapters 5–8
Romans 12:1
Matthew 4:19
Matthew 15:24
Genesis 12:3
Genesis 15:6 (and Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6, and James 2:23)
Genesis 12:10–20 and Genesis chapter 20
Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:22
Romans 12:3 and Ephesians 2:8–9
Genesis 17:19–21 and Galatians 4:22–31
Genesis 25:6 and Romans 9:10–13
Genesis chapter 27
Isaiah 6:9–10 and 43:8, Isaiah 42:6 and 49:6
Exodus 20:4, 34:14 and Deuteronomy 6:15
Exodus 20:5, 34:14, Deuteronomy 6:15, 32:21
Romans 1:16
John 3:16
Acts chapter 14
Ephesians 2:11–22
Romans 9:5–6 and 3:23
Ephesians 5:31–32
John 14:3
Matthew chapter 24, specifically verse 36
Previous Episodes Mentioned
S4 E3 Does the Bible Tell Us to Make Christians or Jews Jealous?
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