S1 EP2 | Misconceptions Jews Have About Christians

Episode 2 September 07, 2020 00:48:24
S1 EP2 | Misconceptions Jews Have About Christians
A Jew and a Gentile Discuss
S1 EP2 | Misconceptions Jews Have About Christians

Sep 07 2020 | 00:48:24


Show Notes

A little understanding goes a long way. Christians may be surprised at the meaning that some of their everyday Christian words and symbols can carry for the average Jewish person.

In this episode of A Jew & A Gentile Discuss, Ezra grills Carly with some common misconceptions Jewish people have about Christians. Throughout the conversation, they reveal some ways Christians may be unknowingly shutting down or offending a Jewish person. When we – on both sides – seek understanding, we can have meaningful conversations with each other.

It’s Carly’s turn to be on the hot seat while Ezra asks her to address many misconceptions, such as:

He also asks Carly to answer a few questions Jewish people have of Christians:

They discuss what it means to bless someone and give insight into how Jewish people typically interpret words like “convert,” “cross,” and “become a Christian.” They also bring up tips for engaging in meaningful conversations with Jewish friends and family with sensitivity and a Bible-reading challenge to listeners.

Words you might learn – or gain new insight about – in this episode:

Bless, convert, the cross, Shema, trinity, echad, nations, ethnos, proton, Tanakh, Nevi’im, Ketuvim, New Testament/New Covenant, Christian Zionism, chanukiah

Tune in for new episodes wherever you listen to podcasts or go to www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org for more information. Leave us some feedback – we’d love to hear from you.

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